Shopping for a wealth screening tool for your nonprofit can be a daunting task. Wealth Screening tools are designed to find those previous missed opportunities. Many prospect researchers rely on Google or industry standard data. The problem is, much of that data, especially data from private corporations is self-reported. The NPOAuthority uses the best data possible from outside experts plus our very own in – house data that is triple verified and you will not find this information anywhere else. The Largest library of annual reports in the nation.

The NPOAuthority does one thing better than anyone….That’s finding new donors in real time!

All we need is a name and the state they reside in and in a matter of seconds you will be in contact with this individual.

You will have all the answers to all the test questions before you take the test. The makes prospect research a breeze. What takes the average development officer 22 minutes to find The NPoAuthority’s wealth screening tool finds in seconds.


  • Ability to query and sort screening results based on multiple data sets, including: ratings, state, giving capacity, wealth capacity, real estate, customized user fields, giving categories, and more.
  • Donors’ charitable gifts to other nonprofits will be sorted and organized by the nonprofit description type.
  • Analytics and rankings are included for each prospect including an annual gift score, planned gift score, and major gift score.
  • Editable and detailed profiles are included with the option for user customization
  • Capacity estimates based on giving and wealth components are included for each prospect.
  • Free unlimited customer support.
  • Free training/reference manuals.
  • In-depth philanthropy and wealth analytics to identify propensity and capacity to give


Discover new prospects on the donation lists of similar organizations. Organizations can be similar in mission, location, or other factors, In addition to identifying the loyal donors of other nonprofits, you can:

Research fundraising efforts by other organizations – to see how you compare and to complete a strategic review of your development goals. Find out more about a specific donation or organization. Research and export data for further analysis or reporting. Search by zip code and distance.
Receive income and asset information for organizations. Use advanced search to search by year(s).
you can even make a mailing list up to 2,000 NEW People to your organization


You’ll want to find those in your base with the capacity to give a large gift and the greatest affinity for your organization. Turn to your donor database and study the data you have on file.

You’ll want to look at:

  • A donor’s previous giving history with your nonprofit and with other organizations.
  • The donor’s personal background.
  • Wealth indicators (such as the amount given in previous donations, real estate and stock ownership, etc.).
  • If the donor is philanthropically-motivated in other ways (for example, if they frequently volunteer with nonprofits or have served on a board of directors).

Integrate a robust wealth screening service with your donor database for the deepest insights.

The NPOAuthoritywill screen your donors and assign each individual donor several different types of grades.

  1. Is this a major Donor?
  2. Is this donor likely to give to your type of organization?
  3. How much should I ask of this donor?
  4. What types of nonprofits do they favor?
  5. How much did they give to them vs Us?
  6. We can even tell you how much money went to outside nonprofits.
Developed by Recycling Media